Desiderio Beachwear is Giovanni and Marco, and is the result of their passion for the sea, the sun, holidays, seduction and friendship.
Giovanni is an architect. He designs, designs, sells and for years has been cutting, sewing, making clothes and costumes for passion and work.
Marco has a humanistic training and for work he directs, writes, organizes, plans.

Both, together, create.

The name Desiderio materialized during the summer of 2017, on that night when wishes are expressed, however the project to create a brand for men’s swimwear starts from afar since every single holiday has contributed to building this project.

In Gallipoli we understood that a swimsuit can tell something about you and is chosen to do it at its best.

In Barcelona we realized that shapes matter, and it’s a shame to hide them, at night as in the day, on the beach, in the pool, in a chiringuito or disco, even for a foam party.

On the Croatian coast we are convinced that a costume, when used, must be made of a material resistant to rocks and beautiful backdrops.

Your costume is your inseparable companion when summer brings you to Sitges. It must be comfortable and seductive.

In Ibiza it has to cover the right amount, but don’t let yourself miss a ray of sunshine.

It must resist and remain impeccable after a summer subjected to the stress of park grass and chlorine from city pools.

When you are immersed in the ocean, it must not run away, but must be easily removed when needed.